The Women's Club was formed in August 1956. Our Mission Statement encourages
Christian fellowship within its membership, and provides opportunities for apostolic,
service, and fundraising stewardship within our parish and community. We provide
social programs and activities intended to draw members together in fellowship.
We also provide spiritually focused programs to support and enhance our members'
The Women’s Club generously provides support to multiple groups within the parish
through charitable gifts and scholarships. Our gifts to the parish vary each year. We
offer to the parish funds designated for parish needs. The Women's club also serves the
needs of those in our parish suffering due to family loss by providing a reception
after funerals.
Can’t attend meetings? You can still serve!
We invite you to join the St. Cecilia Women’s Club in offering, “Hearts, Hospitality, and Service” to the parish this coming year. Our meetings are usually held on the first Friday of the month at the Community Center. Following Mass at 8:15 am, we have a brief social period at 9:30 am, followed by a business meeting, and concluding with the day's program. Meetings include a variety of enlightening and entertaining programs, featuring guest speakers and special events.
We urge you to become a member of this important ministry by joining today! Complete the form and return it to the Pastoral Office in an envelope marked “Women’s Club Membership”. Checks for annual dues in the amount of $20.00 should be made payable to “St. Cecilia Church.” Please write “WC Dues" in the Memo section of your check.