Helping women know Christ’s love, mercy, and acceptance
Walking with Purpose (WWP) helps women and girls know Jesus Christ personally by making Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church relevant and applicable. At Walking with Purpose, it is our mission to help every Catholic woman in America encounter Jesus Christ through our Bible studies.
Walking with Purpose is active in hundreds of parishes in the U.S. and has helped women of all ages deepen their relationship with Christ.
89% report that their prayer life has improved
91% say their relationship with Christ is stronger
96% would recommend WWP to a friend
Evening Session will study Beholding Your King. We’ll study King David, select psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament prophets and see the ways in which they all point to the coming King of kings, Jesus Christ. This Bible study is the second part of a two-part series and is ideally completed after Beholding His Glory.
Wednesday, at 6:45pm in the Community Center Rm 204
We live in a self-centered culture that all too often leaves us feeling empty and dissatisfied. A fuller view of God and His glory is the perfect antidote, which you will experience in Beholding Your King.
What we’ll discuss: Prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament and their effect on people past and present. Psalm 23, the most familiar of all the Psalms which has comforted people throughout the centuries. God’s steady purpose in both the Old and New Covenants and the promises He kept to all of us.
Are you interested in being more than a participant? If YES - reach out to Stephanie or Kim and they will be happy to discuss opportunities to be more involved!
Want more information - contact us Stephanie Sirgo 940-736-7741 KIM Martin 713-253-6957