Mission: To encourage and support congregational singing by providing appropriate liturgical music; to enhance full, conscious and active participation of the faithful during liturgical celebrations.
This group provides various styles of music and sings SATB (four-part harmony) with a variety of instrumentation. All voices and instrumentalists are welcome.
Membership: Previous music experience is helpful, but certainly not required. Participants must simply possess a reasonably good singing voice (the ability to match and maintain pitch) and be willing to commit to rehearsals and services. This choir is for adults and young adults from high school to the "young at heart."
We Minister: Weekly at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday liturgy, as well as the major liturgical celebrations of the year. (September - May)
We Rehearse: Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Music Room. (September - May)
Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program
Protecting the Youth and Vulnerable
All volunteers over 18 years of age are required to take the online Safe Environment training as mandated by the Archdiocese. The training must be completed before an individual can volunteer for service. More information is available here.